Sunday Sessions #5

Muscle Health & James Clear

What we are currently thinking..

If you have been following us on Instagram for a while, I’m sure you’ve already made the connection - we think protein is a vital nutrient that everyone should focus on. Consuming adequate protein supports healthy muscle. Healthy muscle supports a healthier you.

We know that the more muscle you have the greater your chance of maintaining your independence, keeping health-related biomarkers in check (blood sugar & cholesterol), and having a functioning metabolism (keeping unwanted fat off).

Quality and quantity do in fact matter.

What we are listening to..

James Clear on the Tim Ferriss Show

An easy listen for your Sunday, James Clear dives into his strategies for creating a new habit and changing a bad one. If you have read our previous blog - ‘Why You Fail to Achieve your Goals’, then you will know that motivation is overrated when it comes to long term change, and we need to be creating behaviours that become part of our daily routine - habits.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” - James Clear.

When it comes to creating a new habit James Clear recommends making it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. While each habit doesn’t need to cover all four of the points above, the more that it does cover the more likely you are to create a new behaviour.

For example, if your goal is to include more exercise in your day start by putting your clothes out the night before (obvious), find an exercise that you enjoy (attractive), reduce the scope - it doesn’t need to be 60-minutes just commit to two (keep it easy), and tee it up to do it with a friend (satisfying).

Now, when it comes to changing a bad habit, he suggests focusing on removing, rescaling, or replacing.

Let’s use my coffee addiction as an example. Removing is obvious - no coffee. Rescaling involves reducing, which would mean instead of drinking fives cups of coffee per day, I would aim to have one or two. Replacing would involve changing so instead of drinking coffee I am going to replace this with tea.

Replacing seems to be more effective in breaking a bad habit.


Sunday Sessions #4