Nutrition Fundamentals: Food Quality

In our last blog, we talked about creating small wins to help you achieve your goals. These small wins help to create a new identity based around the goals you want to achieve. If your behaviours are a reflection of your identity, then each time you eat more fruits and vegetables there’s another “win” for you now identifying as that fit/healthy person.

Where most people go wrong is that when they are trying to establish these habits of eating healthier they often set the goal too big. Who’s had the goal of “sticking to the diet” before? How often has that worked? If we know that the quality of our food is important and eating more fruits and vegetables is a gateway to making that happen, then why do we not focus on habits that will help us to achieve this? Instead of “sticking to the diet”, why not start by aiming to consume at least 5 servings of fruit or veg per day.

Five servings is a big enough challenge for most people that it will completely change their overall eating habits and in turn help them to “stick to the diet”. Even if you get all of these servings from fruit, or, try fit all five servings in at one meal, it will still likely change your subsequent eating habits enough that what you eat is still better than if you knew you weren’t sticking to your diet and thought, F%#k it!


Why You Fail to Achieve your Goals.


Why you can’t stick to your diet.